Tranexamic Acid Supplier in Selangor, Malaysia


Tranexamic Acid Supplier in Selangor, Malaysia
Image via Science Photo Library

ORC Chem is one of the best tranexamic acid suppliers located in the heart of Selangor. As one of the best tranexamic acid suppliers, it supplies only the best quality to its clients.

Tranexamic acid is a medication used to treat or prevent excessive blood loss induced from major trauma, postpartum, bleeding, surgery, tooth removal, nosebleeds, and heavy menstruation. It’s uses are largely for medical purposes and can be used for hereditary angioedema. People can take it orally, or they can choose to take it as an injection into a vein.

Chemical Function/Application: 

  • Trauma: tranexamic acid is found to decrease the risk of death in people who have a lot of bleeding induced from trauma. If taken within 3 hours of the trauma bleeding, it has been shown to reduce death caused by the traumatic bleeding. 
  • Vaginal bleeding: women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding are often prescribed tranexamic acid. When taken orally, it can safely and effectively treat regularly occurring heavy menstrual bleeding and improve quality of life. 
  • Childbirth: tranexamic acid are sometimes prescribed to new mothers who reduce bleeding after childbirth. It can also reduce chances of death and death rates of new mothers who suffered from postpartum bleeding. 
  • Dentistry: tranexamic acid is an FDA-approved medicine to treat people with severe bleeding disorders after surgery. However, it should be given for short term use only. It’s often used in dentistry in the form of a 5% mouth rinse after dental extractions in patients with prolonged bleeding time.

Talk To Us 

If you need any chemicals, do not hesitate to contact us. Our sales representative will reach out to you for any enquiries and sales you need. Call and email us today!

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